Your Prescription for . . . Parallel & Flawed Parallel Reasoning Questions

Your Prescription for . . . Parallel & Flawed Parallel Reasoning Questions

Branden & Jelena discuss Parallel Reasoning & Flawed Parallel Reasoning questions so you know how to answer these correctly and quickly.

Show notes

There have been a few Logical Reasoning questions in the history of the LSAT that were about as long as a Reading Comp passage, and every single one of them is a Parallel Reasoning or Flawed Parallel Reasoning question.

These questions are frustrating and time consuming. Luckily they aren’t the most common types of questions, so lots of people skip them, but if you want an elite score, you’ll have to learn how to answer these correctly and quickly. We’ll tell you how.

Listen and learn . . .

  1. What important law school skill is being tested on these questions
  2. How to speed up in analyzing the arguments in the stimulus and answers
  3. The different approaches to diagrammable and non-diagrammable arguments
  4. How Parallel Reasoning and Flawed Parallel Reasoning questions differ in terms of answer criteria
  5. How to eliminate answers quickly and confidently
  6. How to answer the common Parallel questions in Reading Comp and how they’re different from LR questions

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Jelena Woehr

Jelena Woehr

Jelena was born & raised in Golden, CO. There she cut her teeth on logic by getting into, then out of, an impressive amount of trouble. When not organizing student protests or lobbying the school board, Jelena competed in equestrian sports & constitutional debate. Jelena took the June 2017 LSAT, partly out of curiosity and partly because she developed a serious Logic Games addiction. After three months of study, Jelena achieved a score of 178. While she didn't end up falling in love with law school, she did find herself really enjoying the LSAT—so much that she left her previous career in tech startups behind and began teaching. Jelena prides herself on helping her students understand not just the systems and methods they can apply to get a good score, but the underlying logic & its applicability to the challenge of learning to think like a law student. Outside of her work with the LSAT, Jelena is a writer, creative content producer, & a competitive equestrian endurance rider.

Branden Frankel

Branden Frankel

In 2000, Branden graduated with a BA in Philosophy from UC Santa Barbara. For a few years after, he cast about in vain for entry-level philosopher positions, but, when he was visited by the Ghost of Student Loans Past, he knew it was time to make a change. In June 2006, Branden took the LSAT, scoring a 175. Thereafter, he attended UCLA School of Law, graduating in 2010 and practicing patent law for several years. Since 2013, he has taught dozens of live LSAT classes and tutored scores of successful test takers. When he's not considering the finer points of a particularly tricky Logical Reasoning question or kicking it with his daughter, Branden writes Science Fiction. You can find him after work at the local Starbucks, typing furiously, then deleting what he typed, then typing more, and so on for hours.


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